October 15, 2018 Laura Mullen

What is a Patient Advocate?

Have you ever been frustrated by the lack of communication and blatant disconnect that exists within the modern health care system? Do you ever find your head spinning with an overwhelming amount, and frequently contradicting “do’s and don’ts” of wellness? Do you ever wish you had someone help you connect all the puzzle pieces to create a full and cleat picture of health?

Well, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Laura Mullen, and I am your Patient Advocate.

What is a Patient Advocate, you ask? As a Patient Advocate, it is my privilege to walk along side you in your journey toward whole person health. My goal is to help you achieve your health goals by being transformed in body, mind and spirit, so you can create a wellness legacy for your family and generations to come.

Patient Advocate, Laura Mullen, helps put your puzzle pieces of health together to make a picture of health care that makes sense!

How will a Patient Advocate help you?
From the time that you enter our office as a new patient, I, Laura, will warmly welcome you and show you around, sharing the vision behind Crossroads Family Chiropractic.  During your first appointment, I have the pleasure of being the first Crossroads member to get to know you more personally through a New Patient interview. And before leaving I will ensure you have a full understanding of the care plan our team has specifically designed for you.

What happens after the first appointment?

At each follow-up visit, I will check in with you about the progress you have experienced.  I will act as a sounding board, fielding any questions you may have on your journey to wellness.  It is my goal that you fell happy, well-assisted, and educated in the care you receive from our Crossroads team that you give us the gift of caring for your family and friends as well.

I look forward to partnering with you in your pursuit of true and lasting wellness.

Peace, Laura Mullen
Patient Advocate
Crossroads Family Chiropractic