March 11, 2019 Laura Mullen

Hemp Seeds 101

Ever wondered why there seemed to be so much buzz around hemp seeds? What makes this health food so trendy? Before I give you the low down on this “super seed”, I feel obligated to share with you one important detail… Hemp seeds are in fact not a seed at all but are technically classified as a nut! Now that we have that straight, let’s dive in some more 😊

Contrary to the often touted, yet misguided belief that high fat food increase cholesterol and are to be avoided, hemp seeds have been shown to decrease risk of heart disease. The amino acid arginine in hemp seeds promotes the production of nitric oxide in the body, a gas molecule that lowers blood pressure by signaling the blood vessels to dilate. Due to the healthy fats they contain, hemp seeds also support a healthy immune system. They are rich in both polyunsaturated fats and essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6). Having a healthy balance of omega-3 and omega-6 is essential for the immune system to function at its best. With an impressive 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3, hemp seeds help promote an optimal balance of essential fatty acids.

Additionally, hemp seeds are a source of easily digestible, plant-based protein – 25% of their caloric value comes from high-quality protein, compared to other seeds like chia or flax at only 16-18%. Because they contain all 9 essential amino acids the body cannot make on its own, hemp seeds are one of the few non-animal sources of a complete protein. Just one serving of hemp seeds (about 3 tablespoons) contains 10 grams of protein – wow! Lastly, in addition to being quite rich in vitamin E, hemp seeds are a great source of essential minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc to name a few.

Whether you sprinkle them on a salad, blend them in your smoothie, or bake them with granola, hemp seeds promise to pack and powerful, nutritious punch! If you’re ready to start reaping the benefits of this mighty seed (that’s really a nut, remember), swing by the Crossroads office this Tuesday while they are featured in our Tasty Tuesday treat!
