July 15, 2019 Laura Mullen

Flavorful Flavonoids

Let’s play two truths and a lie! Never played before? It’s simple – of the 3 statements listed below, you have to pick out which 2 are truthful, and which one is a lie! 

  1. Chocolate is unhealthy and should be avoided. 
  2. Flavonoids are a type of phytochemical with mighty antioxidant properties. 
  3. Cocoa beans are a great source of flavonoids.

Any ideas which of these statements is not entirely true?? If you, guess number one – you are right! Now let’s unpack these statements a little further. 

The truth is, chocolate CAN be a delicious and nutritious treat. Unfortunately, chocolate often gets a bad rap due to the fact that it is often accompanied by some less desirable counterparts like copious amounts of sugar, soy bi-products and harmful preservatives. However, not all chocolate is created equal! While you may have to play detective and do some label reading, there are several “healthier” options available. Or if you’re feeling ambitious, you can even make your own chocolate (*you can find last week’s Tasty Tuesday recipe for Mexican Spiced Dark Chocolate posted below). As a general rule, the darker the chocolate, the greater its health benefits. Why is this the case? 

Dark chocolate is superior because it has a higher content of flavonoids. As disclosed above as one of our 2 truths, flavonoids are a type of phytochemical that contain wonderful antioxidant properties. These small but powerful agents of nutrition have a wide variety of health benefits including supporting bone health and brain health as well as preventing heart disease, asthma, strokes, and even cancer. While the cocoa bean is a tremendously tasty source of flavonoids, other sources include many vegetables and certain fruits. If you’re eager to start fueling your body with some flavorful flavonoids, swing by Crossroads Family Chiropractic tomorrow to sample our Tasty Tuesday treat – Dark Chocolate Coconut Brownie Bites! 

*Recipe for Mexican Spiced Dark Chocolate: https://www.primalpalate.com/paleo-recipe/mexican-spiced-dark-chocolate/


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