January 17, 2020 Dr. Abbe Keen

Craniosacral Therapy: What to expect…

By April Woollard, LMT and CranioSacral Practitioner

Last week we defined Cranialsacral Therapy, but you might be wondering what to expect during a CranioSacral session!

When a client comes in for a CST session, she will remain fully clothed and lay comfortably on a special Upledger air mattress on the massage table that is created for comfort for the client and ease for the therapist. The therapist will do a series of evaluations to determine what the quality, amplitude, symmetry and rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid and where might the primary area of restriction/blockage be in the body. The therapist is also looking where inflammation in the body might be as well. Then a series of very gentle holds (the weight of a nickel) on specific areas of the body that will help release the restrictions. Often, clients will feel the therapist working in one location with her hands, for example the sacrum, but feel a tingling sensation in a totally different area of the body, for example the right shoulder. That is normal! Remember the fascia that runs through our body is interconnected to all the areas of our body.

The therapist will hold until she feels signs of release, which is heat, softening of tissue, therapeutic pulse, or a sense that the tissue is pushing the hands away. At the end of the session, the client often feels immensely relaxed and often sleeps wonderfully later that night. While CST is generally not uncomfortable, sometimes if the body is working really hard at releasing and has gone through major trauma (or what the body deems as traumatic) some mild discomfort may occur, but often soon melts away. Often, people feel a sense of peace within themselves that stays with them. The nervous system is reset!

In general 3 consecutive weekly sessions occur and then once every few months for a “tune-up” is recommended. For more serious cases, the need for more sessions may be needed. The intelligent body gets to decide the rate of healing.

Who can benefit from CST?  Anyone who experiences:

Stress Emotional trauma
Fatigue Migraines or frequent headaches
Traumatic brain injury/concussion Fibromyalgia
Add/ADHD Anxiety
Depression Neck/back pain
TMJ syndrome Learning Disabilities
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Central Nervous System disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorder Physical Trauma + so much more!


You can be proactive in your wellness care by receiving CranioSacral Therapy to stay on top of the general stresses that often come up in life. This gentle modality is an amazing tool to enhance your well being so you can live the life you were meant to live!

Ready to experience this incredible therapy?

Book your appointment by February 1st and ave $15 on your first visit with April!