June 11, 2019 Laura Mullen

Celtic Sea Salt – It’s Time to Fall In Love With Salt Again!

Various studies have shown a deficiency of sodium in the diet can stimulate the body’s salt-sparing response in an effort to preserve normal blood pressure levels. While this instinctive response of the body is a helpful mechanism in the short term, being in salt-sparing mode over a prolonged period of time can led to a slue of health consequences such as insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease and even cognitive loss (Satin 2012).

But if adequate salt intake is such a crucial player in our overall health, why are supermarket shelf adorned with “low sodium” options in every direction we look? Just as dietary fat has been wrongfully demonized as being the source of many of our nation’s health issues, excess sodium in the diet has been called out in similar fashion and thought of as a villain. However, our phobia of sodium leading to cardiovascular disease and dangerously high blood pressure levels has been largely built upon of a rocky foundation of faulty data and inconclusive studies. Unfortunately, many health-conscious individuals dramatically reduce their salt intake in a well-intended effort to improve their health, yet find themselves with no real reward to show.

Although it can be said that salt is not our foe after all, there are certain salts that are much kinder to the body than others. When it comes to the topic of nutrients, it is important to keep in mind that there is a broad spectrum of quality. Sadly, the majority of processed foods found in the modern American diet are loaded with Sodium Chloride (NaCl), which is the same white table salt most restaurants have available when you go out to eat. This lab created salt lacks the naturally occurring minerals that salt should contain and thereby requires your body to tap into its limited mineral reserves to put NaCl to use in your body, leaving you mineral deficient. This is another reason why cooking meals at home can be so beneficial because as the master chef, you get to control the quality of your salt!

At the opposite end of the quality spectrum we find Celtic sea salt. This praise-worthy salt source is inundated with all the mineral-goodness your body requires for optimal function. While pink Himalayan salt packs a powerful mineral punch as well, Celtic sea salt’s undeniably superior mineral profile puts it at the top of the list. All of the biochemical functions in the body are fueled by and dependent upon proper mineral intake. At Crossroads Family Chiropractic, we believe Celtic sea salt to be worth it’s weight in gold and for this reason we always keep our Crossroads “Farmacy” well stocked. When you’re ready to rekindle your love for salt, swing by the office and pick up a bag of Celtic sea salt for yourself!



Satin, Morton. (2012). Salt and our health. Retrieved from: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/abcs-of-nutrition/salt-and-our-health/



