June 3, 2019 Laura Mullen

Biblical Wellness, Part 4

Your Body, His Mystery 

In the book, In His Image by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey, repeatedly demonstrate how God’s presence is superimposed in the very structures of human physiology. Dr. Brand, a world-renowned hand surgeon and leprosy specialists, states “God is asking us to be the chief bearers of his likeness in the world. As spirit, God remains invisible on this planet, relying instead on us to give flesh to that spirit, to bear the image of God.” 

As Christians, we are taught early on that we are made in the image of Christ. However, as this book points out, our current day idea of image is something that is “presented to be, rather than the essence of what it really is.”(page  29) Genesis 1:26 specifically says “…in Our image, according to Our likeness…” In other words we, as human beings, are created as a model, a representative figure of the holy trinityNOT a mere illusion or reflection. 

With this as our creation narrative, Christ comes on the seen with some bold statements concerning the Kingdom of God. It is stated that God’s kingdom is “at hand”, “in the midst of you”, and “among you”. The Greek word for kingdom used here is “basileia” which means royal power, kingship, dominion, rule. This is not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom. The point? Because God came to the earth in human flesh (in the likeness of the trinity), lived a sinless life and died on a cross, he has taken the curse of sin and death that was laid on us at the fall. Jesus Christ has made it possible for us to truly live in the likeness of God, our original design, and has bestowed on us His power in our bodies.  

So what does this all have to do with Biblical Wellness? EVERYTHING!!!  

Our bodies are made in his likeness. 

We are no longer under the curse of sin and death because Jesus died on the cross for us. 

We are now sealed with the Holy Spirit. 

The power of Christ lives in us. 

Our bodies are made to heal, to be restored; physically, emotionally, spiritually. 

Our bodies are made in his likeness. 

I am still in the middle of figuring this all out and how to live it day to day. To be brutally honest, my mind is not comfortable with the unknown. My scientific method trained, intellectually focusedReformation based upbringing has trained my mind in black and white, yes or no, true or false, good and evil. Friends, our God is a mystery! And thus, so are our bodies.  

In healthcare we must allow the creator of the universe to establish the perimeters of how our bodies work, how they heal, and how we are to best take care of them because He made them! I am reminded everyday in practice, as healthcare fads come and go, that we have to seek him first and allow our tight grip on control and the thirst for knowledge to trump his Spirit’s ability to change us physiologically.  

If you are yearning to learn more about this, check out these resources. 

In His Image by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey 

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey 



