March 15, 2020 Dr. Abbe Keen

Be Kind to Yourself: Part 2

Wisdom > Fear

There are many things that could go into this blog post. We are currently living in a state of unknown as we process what a national state of emergency looks like in the midst of a worldwide proclaimed pandemic. One quick look on social media (I just checked) provides everything from info-graphics, prayers, opinions, and of course, fear based ridicule of our neighbors. So I thought that I would take this space to give fact based support on why we are doing what we are doing at Crossroads Family Chiropractic – what we do EVERYDAY: Chiropractic and Nutrition!

Each of these health support techniques serve our bodies as the BEST ways to prevent disease and support the body when dealing with any type of stress. Each of these do not cause harm or have side effects. Each of these remind us that caring for our temples with our hour to hour decisions can set us up for strong constitutions – in mind, body and spirit. With that being said, I took the time to search for well researched links so that you can be reminded that what you are choosing is good for you!! And if you have friends who doubt your commitment to a conservative, natural health oriented lifestyle, feel free to pass this on 🙂


To put it in layman’s terms, chiropractic improves the immune system by aligning the spinal joints, which in turn takes stress off of the nervous system. When the nervous system is working optimally, the rest of the body follows suit!

Decrease antibiotic use

Quality of Life

Immune System


I do not have enough time to highlight all the things you could be doing nutritionally to support your immune system, so I decided to focus on items that specifically are antimicrobial. However, decreasing your amount of processed foods and sugar intake is the FIRST line of defense when it comes to supporting your immune system.

Apple Cider Vinegar 


Supporting respiratory illness

I will take the time to add Essential Oils to this portion of the post. There are soooo many things to say about the use of essential oils in building up and caring for the immune system. Here are two on Oregano Oil to get you started!

I could keep going with the benefits of acupuncture, massage, and exercise. But I will have to save that for another blog. In the meantime, rest, meditate, go for a walk with your family and enjoy the life you have been given. We are praying for you during this uncertain time, and will remain available to care for you and your family.