December 9, 2019 Dr. Abbe Keen

Determining Your New Year Detox

I love this time of year! It’s such a sweet season of togetherness. Yet, I’ve learned as a general rule that wherever there is fellowship and festivities, food is not far behind! The abundance of delicious fare is a wonderful part of the holiday season, however it has a way of leaving many of us eager for some form of detoxification by the time the New Year rolls around. Yet, there are some important things to know before diving head-first into a detox this new year!

First, lets clarify – What is detoxification?

Detoxification is the body’s internal cleansing process. The innate process of detoxification happens naturally and continually, and it involves 6 major systems of the body: cardiovascular, digestive, lymphatic, respiratory, urinary and the skin. Although detoxification is an innate, autonomic process, when our bodies become overburdened with toxins, these detoxification systems are often compromised, hindering the body’s natural ability to purge toxins.

Where do toxins come from?

Unfortunately, we live in a world inundated with toxins, often times invisible to our human eye. Some toxins come from our external environment (exogenous toxins) in the form of heavy metals, pesticides & insecticides, or chemicals from cosmetics and household cleaning Products. Other toxins form inside our body (endogenous toxins) as byproducts of poor dietary choices and immune challenges. Because many of us are faced with such a toxic overload, periodic detoxification can be of great benefit for overall health.

How do I know if I’m in need of a detox?

Common signs and symptoms of toxic overload can include fatigue, difficulty sleeping, indigestion, cravings, weight gain, join pain, and brain fog. If you experience these symptoms you may find relief from detoxification.

OK, I’m ready for a detox! How do I get started?

There is no shortage of detoxification plans available, however not all of them are rooted in nutritional wisdom and an understanding of the body’s synergistic functions. Additionally, it is imperative that all elimination pathways are open and properly functioning before attempting a detox plan. This means if you’re unable to sweat or are not having daily bowel movements, your body is not ready to begin a detox. Attempting a detox prior to supporting the detoxification pathways can release toxins into the body with no way to escape and result in a healing crisis, exacerbating many of the initial symptoms. For this reason, it is wise to seek out the guidance of a nutritional practitioner prior to beginning any kind of detoxification protocol.

For more information on how to support your body’s natural methods of detoxification with whole food nutrition, join us January 7th at 6pm to find our more. Can’t make it? Reach out to us at Crossroads Family Chiropractic (314-439-0777)! We would love to guide you through the process!