May 20, 2019 Dr. Abbe Keen

Biblical Wellness, Part 3

Breath and Movement 

Breathe. In. Out. In. Out. Sit still. Close your eyes. Do it again. Slower this time. Deeper. Go ahead. I will wait for you.  

How was it? Hopefully you were able to take a moment to feel your body and how it responds to your breath. It’s something we don’t often consider because it is an automatic physiological event that takes place since the moment we exit the womb. We are built to breath. The entire process is quite fascinating! 

As you breathe right now, air travels to tiny alveolar sacs in your lungs. Each sac is covered with dense patches of capillaries that soak up the oxygen and put it into red blood cells which then send it out to supply the body with this life giving gas. Oxygen provides each cell with the power to transfer our food into energy. As the oxygen is dropped off, red blood cells take the metabolic byproduct, carbon dioxide, back to the lungs where it is released back into the alveolar sacs and exhaled. This process keeps our bodies from becoming toxic. 

What does all of this have to do with Biblical Wellness? EVERYTHING!!!! As Christians we know that in the garden, God breathed his Spirit into man, which is what transformed him from a pile of dirt into a living, breathing being. So let’s look at that word, Spirit (Genesis 2:7). The Hebrew word is “rauch”, which means “breath”!!!! That is why the Holy Spirit is referred to as the breath of God.  

In breathing, we are experiencing the healing design of God. As we take him in, our bodies are nourished. As we exhale the old, dead things, we create space for the new. As we breath in, we inhale his Spirit, as we exhale we are able to sing his praise and speak his truth.  

But I challenge you to take this thought one more step. When are you forced to breath more? 

When we move our bodies. Just the act of standing up and walking increases the bodies demand for breath. And quite honestly, it forces us out of our comfort zone. Moving creates a space that may open us up to experience our weaknesses, our inabilities, our need for help. God promises to fill that space with his strength (2 Corinthians 12:9) 

Movement, by design, does the following 

  • Helps our bodies heal itself by increasing blood flow to every organ, tissue and gland 
  • Opens chest cavity creating the optimal position for breathing properly 
  • Pumps the lymphatic system, helping the body remove any toxins, waste products, etc. 
  • Balances neurotransmitters; thus changing your mood 
  • Lowers blood pressure 
  • Increases energy 
  • Improves sleep 
  • And so much more!!!!!!

Are you getting the picture? God designed us to breathe and connect with HIS breath. He designed us to move. These two gifts work in tandem to increase our emotional, physical and spiritual health.  

This week, I challenge you to walk. Just walk. Play with your kids outside. Stretch your body more and see what your limits are. Movement does not have to be “exercise”, or a gym membership, or a specific time planned out to do things that make you sweat. Go out and notice how moving changes your breath, and how breathing more changes your overall well-being.  


Dig into the word of God and what it says about these topics! (Search for scripture relating to breath/“rauch”) 

Revelation Wellness – Healthy and Whole podcast

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